All three of the specializations of Protection, Arms and Fury are all still an option, with quite a few new talents you can choose from that are available (6 of the 18).
The basic spec’s learned along the way from 1 to 90 are still there specific to each of the spec’s, after which every 15 levels you will learn a new talent (15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and finally at the 90th tier). You get three choices and you can only choose one of the three at each tier at a time.
Level 15 Choices:
Juggernaut -This gives you the ability to charge every 12 seconds instead of the lengthy 20 seconds it normally takes.
Double Time - This gives you the ability to use Charge a second time before incurring its CD.
Warbringer - This will give your charge the ability to knock a target to the ground and also stunning it for 3 seconds.
Level 30 Choices:
Enraged Regeneration - This will heal you instantly for 15% of your max health and then an additional 15% over the next 15 seconds, but this can only be used while you are Enraged and even stunned.
Second Wind - You will generate a maximum amount of twenty Rage over a period of 10 seconds whenever you are struck by in a mobilizing affect or stunned. If you take any direct damage you will have 10% chance to regenerate 10% of your max health over a period of 10 seconds.
Impending Victory - This replaces Victory Rush. When you attack a target you instantly cause 31 damage but also heal yourself for 10% of your max health. If this is used within 20 seconds after you kill an enemy that yields either on or experience it will heal you for 20% of your max health.
Level 45 Choices:

Piercing Howl -For a period of 6 seconds any enemies within 20 yards will be frightened, which will reduce their movement speed by 50%.
Disrupting Shout - This shout will disrupt all spell casting that is within 10 yards and prevents any spell from that school of magic from being cast within 4 seconds.
Level 60 Choices:
Bladestorm - You transform into a whirling storm with such destructive force that you strike all enemies within 8 yards for 75% weapon damage each second for a total of 6 seconds. Why you are in this form you are immune to all loss of control or movement impairing effects but you can be Disarmed and you are only able to perform shout abilities.
Shockwave -When you use Shockwave you send a force in front of you that causes 40 damage and stuns all enemies within 10 yards for up to 4 seconds. Shockwave is a frontal cone affect.
Avatar -When you use Avatar you transform into this unstoppable colossus for 10 seconds which increases the damage you deal by 20% and causes all of your attacks to generate some extra rage.
Level 75 Choices:
Mass Spell Reflection -This will protect any party and raid member within 20 yards from a single spell for a period of up to 5 seconds in addition to reflecting an additional spell off of you.
Safeguard - This replaces Intervene where you run towards a party or raid member at high speed which will remove any impairing movement effects on you and intercepting the next ranged or melee attack made against the party or raid member while also reducing their damage taken by 20% for up to a period of 6 seconds.
Vigilance - for a period of 12 seconds as you focus your protective gaze on a raid or party member you will transfer 30% of the damage taken to you. During this duration your time has no CD in any attacks against the target will cause you to become enraged for a period of 6 seconds.
Level 90 Choices:
Deadly Calm - For 15 seconds, you will enter a battle trance that causes your next three Cleave or Heroic Strikes to be a no-cost outrage and will cause 50% more damage.
Bloodbath - You totally shop up your target with your weapons. For 12 seconds all your special attacks will cause the enemy to bleed for 30% additional damage over a 6 second period of time.
Storm Bolt - This replaces Heroic Throw where you still hurl or throw your weapon edit a target causing 50% weapon damage and stunning it for 3 seconds. If the target is immune to stuns, then it will deal an additional 300% weapon damage.
Have Fun!
Mists of Pandaria Class Talents
Pandaria Hunter Talents
Pandaria Paladin Talents
Pandaria Rogue Talents
Pandaria Shaman Talents
Pandaria Warlock Talents
Pandaria Warrior Talents
Pandaria Priest Talents
Pandaria Mage Talents
Pandaria Druid Talents
Pandaria Death Knight Talents
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