Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Outmaneuver Hardcore Enemies with a Monk

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Hardcore mode is the ultimate challenge and adrenaline rush for most Diablo 3 players.  There is nothing quite like engaging in a heated battle knowing that all of your Gear and your Monk itself will be lost forever if you lose.  By choosing the Monk over the Barbarian you are trading out durability for speed and maneuverability.  You won’t want to take on a whole swarm of enemies at the same time, but rather smaller groups of higher level enemies.

Attack Wisely

Walk up to small groups of enemies and hit them with Crippling Wave a few times and finish them off with Lashing Tail Kick.  You should have the Concussion skill rune on Crippling Wave to reduce the damage your enemies deal to you and you should have the Sweeping Armada skill rune on Lashing Tailkick to push back your enemies and snare them.  With the knockback you should be able to manage different groups of enemies if necessary.

Have an Escape Plan

Hardcore pits you against more difficult enemies than
the standard mode.  This means you will get trapped or surrounded by your enemies at times.  With Blinding Flash and Tempest Rush available you should be able to get away from your enemies every time.

Blinding Flash works well for temporarily keeping enemies off you while you run away, or you can use it when you want to attack half a group at a time.

Tempest Rush will blast your way through a group of enemies so that you can run to safety.  You can combine the two abilities to reduce the amount of damage as much as possible.

A Self-Healing Monk
Diablo 3 Guide Conquer D3
In Hardcore healing is a major boon.  There are going to be times when you can’t find health globes, and during those times these three abilities will fill your life back up and help you stay alive over longer fights.
You should have Breath of Heaven, Mantra of Healing, and Chant of Resonance. Breath of Heaven provides you with a powerful, on-demand group heal that will keep you and your friends alive.  Mantra of Healing gives you a burst of healing and then a steady gradual heal over a long period of time and Chant of Resonance only serves to enhance that Healing and build up the Spirit you need for your other moves.
You should maintain Mantra of Healing the entire time that you are fighting enemies because it boosts your Resistance with the Time of Need skill rune, it boosts your Spirit and it keeps your life pool full.

Boosted Resistance

Any hardcore monk should have the ability One with Everything.  If you take the time to build up one of your resistances it will help you with all your elemental damage problems, and should make you more durable in most fights.

A Fail Safe

Monks are one of the best classes for Hardcore because they get a second chance with Near Death Experience.  When you are struck with a blow that would normally kill you, you are given a third of your life back and you can run away and rest easy knowing that you didn’t lose all your progress.

Have Fun!


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