Friday, May 4, 2012

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Leveling

Rapid Leveling with the Deadly Monk

Monks are capable of dealing out devastating levels of damage to their enemies very rapidly, but they are a little more fragile than Barbarians. That means that they have to be played more strategically and you will only enjoy them if you don’t mind thinking about your next move for a minute between unleashing deadly combos.

The Brawler Build
Monk Brawler Build
Click to enlarge.

The Brawler picks a spot, digs in his feet and gets to work. He won’t be maneuvering around the battle field but dealing huge amounts of damage to large groups of enemies in a single location. With this build defensive abilities are a must and you will have to sacrifice a little damage for survival.

Crippling Wave
Breath of Heaven
Seize the Initiative
Lashing Tail Kick
Mantra of Retribution
One with Everything
Cyclone Strike
Exalted Soul
Sweeping Wind

Attacking a Weak Group
Start off the fight with Crippling Wave and
continue using it until you can afford Lashing Tail Kick. Switch between the two moves until your enemies are dead.

Attacking a Strong Group

Use Lashing Tail Kick until your Spirit is completely full. Now hit the enemies with Cyclone Strike to draw them all into you and finish them off with a Sweeping Wind. Continue the rotation until they are all dead. If you are at risk of dying at any point in the fight, use Breath of Heaven to heal yourself.

You should have Seize the Initiative, One with Everything and Exalted Soul for your passives. On top of that you should be using Mantra of Retribution the entire time. Seize the Initiative will help you from getting killed quickly since you will be keeping the enemies right on top of you. One with Everything will help avoid any close range elemental damage which can add up very quickly when you get a large number of enemies together, and Exalted Soul will give you enough Spirit to use Cyclone Strike and Sweeping Wind back to back. Since you are fighting your enemies close range Mantra of Retribution will be very effective at dealing damage.

The Darter Build
Monk Darter Build
Click to enlarge.
The Darter will jump from one location to another around the battlefield dealing high amounts of damage. Since he is constantly in motion he isn’t attacked often and defensive abilities take a back seat to offensive skills.
Crippling Wave
Blinding Flash
Fleet Footed
Seven Sided Strike
Mantra of Conviction
One with Everything
Lashing Tail Kick
Exalted Soul
Tempest Rush

Sit back and throw out Crippling Waves until you begin getting surrounded by enemies. Now use Seven Sided Strike and Lashing Tail Kick and then use Tempest Rush to get to a new area. Repeat the process until everyone is dead.

It is important to get away from large groups of enemies if you start to get surrounded. If you have to, use Blinding Flash to give yourself a second to escape. Use Tempest Rush often to keep yourself in a favorable section of the battlefield.

Throughout the fight you should keep Mantra of Conviction going to increase your damage output. Fleet footed is the most important passive that you will have. It will help you keep away from clusters of enemies until you want to be near them. Exalted Soul will allow you to save up for bursts of damage when you finally get surrounded and One with Everything will help keep you from being taken out by ranged attacks.

Have Fun!


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