Wednesday, April 25, 2012

TERA Online Guide ~ TERA Strategy & Leveling Guide

tera online guide

Veliks Tera Online Guide

If you’re looking for a complete strategy guide to Tera Online, look no further than the Velik Tera Guide.  It covers everything you need to know to play Tera Online, the hugely popular MMORPG. Not only will you find walkthroughs for all the quests, you get Player V. Player guides, proven strategies and test strategies, endgame guides and so much more.

As soon as you start reading it, you’ll understand why the Velik Tera Guide is so complete: It is written by a team of professional gamers, who also keep the guide updated and maintained so you’ll always have the right information.   They understand just how truly massive a MMO is, and how overwhelming it can be to try to learn all the tricks and nuances of a new world – especially when all you want is to
get in the door and start playing. The Velik Tera Guide will allow you to start playing instead of spending your time trying to figure it out.

Hey, you’re time is limited – who wants to spend days or weeks just trying to figure out what the game basics are?  With the Velik’s Guide, you get to spend those weeks playing the game and having fun.  You won’t be stressing out trying to figure out what skills you need to max out first or roaming around the map for days to find out where it is you need to go next.

The Velik’s Tera Guide gives you a complete walkthrough that takes you through the entire game step-by-step.  You’ll know just what you need to do from the time you start at Level 1 until you get to Level 60 – and you’ll have an awesome time doing it.  The guide will show you what the quests are and where to find them, and what your individual objectives and goals are.  Most importantly, we’ll give you tips on the best ways to complete the quests – and let you know when you’re better off skipping one.

Are you tired of getting lost and taking forever to level up?  Then our Member’s Area is just what you’re looking for.  You’ll find a ton of maps letting you know how to get from here to there, how to find the important monsters and where the important NPCs are.  You’ll also find maps that let you know where to find questing hubs, group areas and even where to find the rarest monsters.  There are specialty maps for the underground and PvP areas, with marks showing the routes, important locations and the secrets you need to know.

You can learn the tricks for playing any class like an expert with our detailed class guides.  You’ll know which skills to use, how the action bar should be set up, how to best chain your skills together - everything to the smallest detail.

Speaking of PvP, it’s a major part of Tera, and the Velik’s Guide crew has spent a lot of time there, learning all the secrets so they can share them with you.  You’ll find tricks and tips on dominating on the battleground and working together with your team to become unstoppable.  You’ll get expert 1v1 tactics that teach you how to prepare against each class as well as the most efficient ways to attack.

All the writers involved in the Velik’s Tera Guide have been part of major raiding guilds, so they understand how crucial end game is.  They can show you how to prevail in the end game and get the maximum gear. Even if you’ve never been in a dungeon before, the guide will let you know exactly what you need to be on the lookout for.

In any MMORPG, there are a ton of stats and items you need to learn about, and Tera is no different.  With the Velik’s Tera Guide, you’ll have insight into being able to dominate the game and know the best way to make your way through.

Grab your Tera Online Guide Right Now!

Have Fun!


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